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When I travel to see students at their homes or schools, I take all the supplies I need. This toolbox has been a huge help with staying organized.
What's in that toolbox, you might ask? All. The. Stuff. See the list below.
(Disclaimer: When you purchase through the links below, I earn a small commission.)
I love my toolbox!
I always have these items in my toolbox:
Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty
Scissors for lefties and righties
Erasers (I call these my magic erasers because they leave not a trace of the error, which is very important to my most persnickety little perfectionists. :)).
Blank cards for sight word practice
Colored pencils, markers, crayons
Sharpies with two tips
Card games from Spelling Success - The creator of these games is a Barton Tutor. All the games align with the Barton Reading and Spelling System. They also work well with Wilson Reading.
Franklin Speller (This is the model recommended by Susan Barton.)
Post-it notes in a variety of sizes
Bic White-out
Rubber bands and paper clips, assorted sizes
Are you starting a tutoring business and need some help to get things off the ground? I would love to talk with you!. Send me a message on the Contact Us link. In the mean time, check out the free pdfs on this website, and please visit my store on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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